- Yoga
- Meditation
- Tug of war
- Frog race
- balance game
- Obstacle race
- Kicking ball & bottles etc.

On account of Aagmanpurb of Guru Nanak Dev Ji WPSians made an effort for humanity. All the students and staff brought extra food with their day meals. The food was collected and then some students and a teacher went to a hospital. All the food was distributed among patients, attendants and hospital staff. It gave us a feeling of togetherness, oneness, satisfaction and happiness. May God grace us with such efforts many times in future.
WPS under 10 and under 12 sports stars participated in Inter-school Athletic Meet held by Guru Nanak International Public School. We won 1 Gold Medal in 400m and 1 Gold in Long jump. Congratulations to staff, teachers and parents.
Children enjoy the most when together and when outdoor with lots of games and activities to do. We went to F2 Raceway for the fun and learning. Rest you can see in pictures below 🙂
WPS participated in inter-school shabad gayan competition organised by Guru Nanak International Public School on Oct 25th, 2018.