Waheguru Public School is a school of difference affiliated with CBSE . Pupil not just learn alphabets and numbers but learn social values, learn how to vision their aims and goals and learn how to achieve them. Waheguru Public School is located in a neat, clean and natural environment. It is in a village named Pamal and we reach there via Pukhowal road.
Our Belief
The knowledge is a beautiful gift enshrined in the human beings by God. Keenness to learn is engulfed in the child by birth. As a child opens his eyes nature embodies him with the divinity to learn. As soon as he is capable of understanding, he tries to copy everybody and everything around him.
As small sibling needs lots of care and protection and good soil and pure air to grow in the same way good education to the children, makes them grow into the good and responsible citizen who will shed light of truthfulness and love around him.
Thus education is most important part of human existence. As more and more Knowledge of Waheguru’s words are inculcated in children, more and more enlightened they become.
Thus, we as members of management committee whole-heartedly wish that we all should shed away the walls of religious discrimination and come forward to provide good education to our children.
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